Cervical Cancer: Stages, Risk Factors, Treatment

Cervical cancer

Introduction Cervical cancer is the type of cancer that develops in the cells of the woman’s cervix. The cervix, also known as the neck of the uterus, is a part of the female reproductive system that connects the uterus to the vagina. It locates in the lower, narrow end of the uterus. Before the irreversible … Read more

DASH Diet: Recommended foods, Health benefits


Introduction The DASH diet is a well-designed approach to treat and prevent hypertension. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Types of the DASH Diet The DASH diet has two variants depending on its sodium content. DASH Diet and Sodium Recommended Servings The following diet plan shows an example of daily and weekly servings … Read more

Acid-Base Imbalance

Acid Base Imbalances

Introduction Acid-base imbalances are disorders that result from disease in organs like the kidney, lungs, and brain. Usually, the buffer system in the body maintains and controls the acid and base balance via the kidney and lungs. Buffer System Definitions of Acid-Base Imbalances Acid-base imbalances are pathologic variations in the partial pressure of arterial carbon … Read more

Meningococcal Disease: Types, Treatment, Prevention

Transmission of Meningococci

Introduction Incidence Types of Meningococcal Disease Meningitis Meningococcemia (Meningococcal septicemia) Other types Meningococcal pneumonia Signs and symptoms of Meningococcal Disease Patient with meningococcal meningitis presents with following symptoms Patient with meningococcemia presents with following symptoms Initial symptoms include Later symptoms include Risk factors Anyone can get meningococcal disease but certain people are at risk, including   … Read more

Vitamin D: Sources, Health Benefits, Deficiencies

Activation of Vitamin D

Introduction Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It helps the human body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus essential for bone and teeth health.  Types and Sources of Vitamin D Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D (VD). However, The American Academy of Dermatology does not recommend getting it through unprotected sun exposure or … Read more

Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Types, Symptoms, Treatment

Neurons affected by Multiple Sclerosis

Introduction Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune, inflammatory demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Incidence According to the 3rd edition of the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) Atlas of (MS), the number of people with MS across the globe has increased from 2.3 million in 2013 to 2.8 million in … Read more

Antihypertensive Drugs

Antihypertensive Drugs

Antihypertensive Drugs are a group of drugs used to treat high blood pressure (Hypertension). Hypertension Classification of Hypertension Primary hypertension Secondary hypertension Categories of Blood Pressure The new categories of blood pressure (BP) according to the American Heart Association are shown in the figure below.    These categories should not be based on BP readings at a … Read more

The Acid Concentrate in Bicarbonate Dialysis

Acid Concentrate

The Acid Concentrate in Bicarbonate Dialysis The acid concentrate is vital in bicarbonate dialysis. Due to the diffusion of dissolved substances from the blood into the dialysis solution and vice versa, the blood concentrations can be increased, decreased, or kept constant. Sodium Sodium significantly influences the volume and osmolarity of the extracellular fluid. Therefore, sodium … Read more

Stroke: Types, Symptoms, Treatment, Complications

Types of Stroke

Definition of stroke In 1970, World Health Organization (WHO) defined stroke as “rapidly developing clinical signs of focal (or global) disturbance of cerebral function, lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death, with no apparent cause other than that of vascular origin”. Definition of stroke according to American heart association 2013 Pathophysiology Ischemic stroke … Read more

Differences between vegetarianism and veganism

Vegetarian vs Vegan

Introduction The difference between vegetarianism and veganism is confusing.  Vegetarianism and vegetarian diet Category of vegetarians The following table shows the different categories of vegetarians. Categories of Vegetarians Diet Lacto-vegetarian Includes·       Milk and milk products·       Plant-based foods (cereals, pulses, legumes)·       Vegetables and fruitsExcludes·       Meat·       Fish·       Eggs Lacto-ovo-vegetarian Includes·       Eggs·       Milk and milk products·       Plant-based foods … Read more