Chemotherapy (Chemo): Mechanisms, Types


Introduction The term “chemotherapy”, also called chemo, came from two words: chemical & therapy, which mean “drug treatment.” Chemotherapy refers to treatment with a cell-killing (cytotoxic) medication. It uses medications (antineoplastic drugs) to either kill cancer cells or prevent them from growing and dividing by interfering with cellular function and reproduction. It is used to … Read more

Hypospadias: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment


Introduction Hypospadias is a developmental disorder of the anterior urethral and penile organs. During weeks 8–14 of pregnancy, the urethra develops improperly in boys with hypospadias. The abnormal opening may appear anywhere between the area just below the penis’s tip and the scrotum. It can range in severity from mild to severe, depending on the … Read more

Anatomy of the Kidney

Anatomy of the Kidney

Introduction The anatomy of the kidney consists of gross and microscopic structures. The kidney is a vital organ in the human body responsible for many functions, including regulating salt and electrolyte, maintaining fluid balance, filtering waste products from the blood, and producing urine. The average adult renal blood flow is 1,000 to 1,400 ml per … Read more

ABG Analysis (Arterial Blood Gas Test)

Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Analysis

Introduction An ABG (arterial blood gas) analysis is a blood test that measures the levels of arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), blood pH, and arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) in the blood. Usually, a blood sample is drawn from the vein but in this procedure, blood is drawn from the artery. There … Read more

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are conditions that can be transmitted through semen, blood, vaginal fluids, and other body fluids from one person to another. These illnesses can be passed from one person to another via sexual activities (vaginal, oral, or anal). Additionally, it can be transmitted through shared needles, … Read more

Undescended Testicle (Cryptorchidism)

Undescended Testicle

Introduction Undescended testicle, also called cryptorchidism, is the absence of at least one testicle from the scrotum. It is the most frequent congenital abnormality affecting the male genitalia. Cryptorchidism refers to either an undescended or mal-descended testis which denotes a hidden or obscure testis. Incidence Classification of Undescended Testicle Based on number Based on location … Read more

Thoracocentesis (Pleural Tap/Pleural Fluid Aspiration)


Introduction Thoracocentesis is a surgical procedure that removes excess pleural fluid or air from the area between the lung and the chest wall. The procedure is also known as “pleural fluid aspiration,” “pleural tap,” “pleurocentesis,” and “thoracentesis.” Indications of Thoracocentesis Diagnostic A diagnostic thoracocentesis involves the removal of a small sample of pleural fluid (approximately … Read more

Hib Disease(Haemophilus influenzaeType b Disease)

Hib Disease

Introduction Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) disease is a contagious disease caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type b. Gram-negative Haemophilus influenzae bacteria can infect the respiratory tract and spread to other organs. Over 90% of systemic infections are caused by type b (Hib) of the six capsular H. influenzae types. It can affect the … Read more