List of Common Medical Abbreviations
The following list contains medical abbreviations used in the literature, in medical reports, in doctors’ letters (discharge letters, patients’ letters), on prescriptions and in medical practice.
Many medical terms are too long and too complicated to be used in everyday clinical practice. Words are therefore shortened, and catchy abbreviations are used.
AA | Amino Acid |
ABG | Arterial Blood Gas |
ACE | Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme |
ACL | Anterior Cruciate Ligament |
ADR | Adverse Drug Reaction |
ADM | Admission, Admitted |
a/g Ratio | Albumin to Globulin Ratio |
AKA | Above the Knee Amputation |
ALS | Advanced Life Support |
AMA | Against Medical Advice |
A&O | Alert and Oriented |
AOB | Alcohol on Breath |
A&W | Alive and Well |
AV | Atrioventricular |
BAC | Blood Alcohol Contain |
BC | Birth Control |
BM | Bowel Movement |
BMP | Basic Metabolic Panel |
BP | Blood Pressure |
BRP | Bathroom Privileges |
C | Centigrade, Celsius |
CBC | Complete Blood Count |
CC | Cubic Centimeter, Chief Complain, Critical Care |
CO | Cardio Output |
C/O | Complains of, Care of |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide |
C&S | Culture and Sensitivity |
CV | Cardiovascular |
D/C | Discontinue, Discharge |
DNR | Do Not Resuscitate |
DO | Disorder |
DOA | Dead on Arrival, Date of Admission |
DOB | Death of Birth |
DOT | Directly Observed Therapy |
DSM | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders |
Dx | Diagnosis |
EC | Eye Contact |
ECASA | Enteric Coated Acetylsalicylic Acid |
EDC | Estimated Date of Confinement |
EDD | Estimated Delivery Date |
EGA | Estimated Gestational Age |
ER | Emergency Room |
F | Fahrenheit |
FB | Foreign Body |
FHR | Fetal Heart Rate |
FM | Fetal Movement |
FRC | Functional Residual Capacity |
FSE | Fetal Scalp Electrode |
FT | Full Term |
GA | Gestational Age |
GI | Gastrointestinal |
GU | Genitourinary |
Hb | Hemoglobin |
HDL | High Density Lipoprotein |
H/O | History of |
HR | Heart Rate |
HS | Hour of Sleep (bedtime) |
ICU | Intensive Care Unit |
ID | Infectious Disease |
In Vitro | In the Laboratory |
In Vivo | In the Body |
I&O | Input and Output |
IP | Inpatient |
IQ | Intelligence Quotient |
IU | International Units |
IUPC | Intrauterine Pressure Catheter |
Jt | Joint |
K | Potassium |
LBP | Low Back Pain |
LDL | Low Density Lipoprotein |
Lytes | Electrolytes |
MCO | Managed Care Organization |
MG | Milligram |
MVA | Motor Vehicle Accident |
ML | Milliliter |
NCP | Nursing Care Plan |
NKDA | No Known Drug Allergies |
NTG | Nitroglycerin |
N/V | Nausea and Vomiting |
O2 | Oxygen |
O&P | Ova and Parasites |
OPD | Outpatient Department |
P | Pulse |
Post-op | Postoperative (After Surgery) |
Pre-op | Preoperative (before surgery) |
PA or PT | Patient |
PCP | Primary Care Physician |
Plt | Platelets |
PPE | Personal Protection Equipment |
RAAS | Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone-System |
RBC | Red Blood Cell |
RF | Risk Factor |
R/O | Rule Out |
S | Without (sans) |
SX | Symptoms |
S/S | Signs and Symptoms |
STAT | Immediately |
T | Temperature |
T&C | Type and Cross (Blood) |
TPA | Tissue Plasminogen Activator (dissolve clots) |
TPR | Temperature, Pulse, Respiration |
UO | Urine Output |
VS | Vital Signs |
VSS | Vital Signs Stable |
WB | Whole Blood |
WBC | White Blood Cell |
WNL | Within Normal Limits |
Abbreviations of Body Description
ABD | Abdomen |
AD | Right Ear |
AL | Left Ear |
AU | Both Ears |
BMD | Bone Mass Density |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
BMR | Basal Metabolic Rate |
CBD | Common Bile Duct |
CBF | Cerebral Blood Flow |
FL | Femur Length |
FROM | Free Range of Motion |
HC | Head Circumference |
IBW | Ideal Body Weight |
LLL | Left Lower Lobe |
LLQ | Left Lower Quadrant |
LUL | Left Upper Lobe |
LUQ | Left Upper Quadrant |
LV | Left Ventricle |
OD | Right Eye |
OS | Left Eye |
OU | Both Eyes |
PNS | Peripheral Nervous System |
RA | Right Atrium |
RUL | Right Upper Lobe |
RUQ | Right Upper Quadrant |
RV | Right Ventricle, Residual Volume |
TLC | Total Lung Capacity |
UE | Upper Extremity |
WT | Weight |
Abbreviations of Hormones
ACTH | Adrenocorticotropic Hormone |
ADH | Antidiuretic Hormone |
AMH | Anti-Müllerian Hormone |
CCK | Cholecystokinin |
CRH | Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone |
CT | Calcitonin |
DHEA | Dehydroepiandrosterone |
EPO | Erythropoietin |
FSH | Follicle-Stimulating Hormone |
GH | Growth Hormone |
GIP | Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide |
GHIH | Growth Hormone-Inhibiting Hormone |
GLP-1 | Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 |
GnRH | Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone |
GHRH | Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone |
hCG | Human Chorionic Gonadotropin |
LH | Luitinizing Hormone |
MSH | Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone |
OT | Oxytocin |
PIH | Prolactin-Inhibiting Hormone |
PRH | Prolacting-Releasing Hormone |
PRL | Prolactin |
PTH | Parathyroid Hormone / Parathormone |
PYY | Peptide YY |
SS SST SOM | Somatostatin |
T3 | Triiodothyronine |
T4 | Thyroxine / Tetraiodothyronine |
TRH | Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone |
TSH | Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone |
Abbreviations of Diagnosis or Condition
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
ALL | Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
ALS | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
AMI | Acute Myocardial Infarction |
ARDS | Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
ARF | Acute Renal Failure, Acute rheumatic Fever |
ASCVD | Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease |
BAD | Bipolar Affective Disorder |
B-ALL | B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia |
BPD | Borderline Personality Disorder |
CA | Cancer, Carcinoma |
CAB | Carotid Artery Bruit |
CABG | Coronary Artery Bypass Graft |
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease |
CF | Cystic Fibrosis |
C/F | Chills, Fever |
CHD | Congenital Heart Disease |
CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
COLD | Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
CP | Chest Pain, Cerebral Palsy |
CVA | Cerebral Vascular Accident |
DJD | Degenerative Joint Disease |
DTR | Deep Tendon Reflex |
DVT | Deep Venous Thrombosis |
EBV | Epstein-Barr Virus |
EGC | Early Gastric Cancer |
FAS | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome |
F/C | Feber, Chills |
FEF | Forced Expirator |
FX | Fracture |
GSW | Gunshot Wound |
HA | Headache |
HA | Hemolytic Anemia |
HAPE | High Altitude Pulmonary Edema |
HAV | Hepatitis A Virus |
HBV | Hepatitis B Viurs |
HCV | Hepatitis C Virus |
HDV | Hepatitis D Virus |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HPA | Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal |
HPS | Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome |
HTN | Hypertension |
IBD | Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
IBS | Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome |
ICP | Intracranial Pressure |
IDDM | Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus |
IPF | Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis |
IUI | Intrauterine Insemination |
IUP | Intrauterine Pregnancy |
IVF | In Vitro Fertilization |
IVIG | Intravenous Immune Globulin |
IVP | Intravenous Push |
JCV | JC Virus |
JRA | Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis |
JVD | Jugular Venous Distension |
KS | Kaposi Sarcoma |
LAD | Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency |
LBP | Lower Back Pain |
LBW | Low Birth Weight |
LIH | Left Inguinal Hernia |
LOF | Loss of Fluid |
MD | Mascular Dystrophy |
MDS | Myelo Dysplastic Syndrome |
MVP | Mitral Valve Prolapse |
MR | Mental Retardation |
MS | Multiple Sclerosis |
NAD | No Acute Distress |
Nat/O | Birth |
NBCCS | Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome |
NIDDM | Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus |
NM | Neuromuscular |
N/V | Nausea Vomiting |
NVD | Normal Vaginal Delivery |
OCD | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
ON | Optic Neuritis |
ORIF | Open Reduction and Internal Fixation |
OSA | Obstructive Sleep Apnea |
PD | Parkinson´s Disease, Peritoneal Dialysis |
PE | Pulmonary Embolism |
PKD | Polycystic Kidney Disease |
PID | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease |
PIH | Pregnancy Induced Hypertension |
PMS | Premenstrual Syndrome |
PTSD | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder |
PUD | Peptic Ulcer Disease |
RA | Rheumatoid Arthritis |
RAD | Reactive Airway Disease |
RDS | Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
REM | Rapid Eye Movements |
RHD | Rheumatic heart Disease |
RXN | Reaction |
SAB | Spontaneous Abortion |
SAB | Season Affective Disorder |
SBO | Small Bowel obstruction |
SBS | Shaken Baby Syndrome |
SIDS | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome |
SOB | Shortness of Breath |
STD | Sexually Transmitted Disease |
TAH | Total Abdominal Hysterectomy |
TB | Tuberculosis |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TGA | Transient Global Amnesia |
UC | Ulcerative Colitis |
URI | Upper Respiratory Infection |
UTI | Urinary Tract Infection |
VB | Vaginal Bleeding |
VBAC | Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section |
VF | Ventricular Fibrillation |
VH | Vaginal Hysterectomy, Visual Hallucination |
VIP | Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy |
Abbreviations of Prescription
ABX | Antibiotics |
a.c. | Before Meals |
Ad lib | at will, as desired |
BID | Bis in dies (twice a day) |
CAP | Capsule |
gtt | Drops |
GTT | Glucose Tolerance Test |
oGTT | Oral Glucose Tolerance Test |
id | Intradermal |
im | Intramuscular |
iv | Intravenous |
MDD | Maximum Daily Dose |
NPO | Nothing By Mouth |
OCP | Oral Contraceptive Pill |
OPV | Oral Polio Vaccine |
OTC | Over the Counter |
PC | After Meals |
PCN | Penicillin |
PNV | Prenatal Vitamins |
po | per os (by Mouth) |
PRN | as needed |
q2h | every two hours |
q3h | every three hours |
qam | every morning |
qd | once a day |
qh | once every hour |
qhs | at bedtime |
qid | four times a day |
qod | every other day |
qpm | every evening |
RDI | Recommended Daily Intake |
Rx | Prescription, Treatment |
SC | Subcutaneous |
TAB | Tablet |
TIW | three times a week |
Abbreviations of Procedure and Treatment
AXR | Abdominal X-Ray |
BE | Barium Enema |
BMT | Bone Marrow Transplant |
Bx | Biopsy |
CABG | Coronary Artery Bypass Graft |
CDE | Complete Dental (Oral) |
CPAP | Continuous Positive Airway Pressure |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
C/S | Caesarean Section |
CT | Chemotherapy, Computed Tomography |
CXR | Chest X-Ray |
D&C | Dilatation and Curettage |
ECC | Emergency Cardiac Care |
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
ECMO | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation |
ECT | Electroconvulsive Therapy |
ECV | External Cephalic Version |
CFT | Complement Fixation Testing |
FNA | Fine Needle Aspiration |
FOBT | Fecal Occult Blood Testing |
Fx | Fracture |
GLT | Glucose Loading Test |
GTT | Glucose Tolerance Test |
HD | Hemodialysis |
HRT | Hormone Replacement Therapy |
I&D | Incision and Drainage |
OGTT | Oral Glucose Tolerance Test |
PAP | Pulmonary Artery Pressure, Papanicolaou Test |
PD | Peritoneal Dialysis |
PEEP | Positive End Expiratory Pressure |
PFT | Pulmonary Function Test |
PT | Physical Therapy |
TPE | Therapeutic Plasma Exchange |
UA | Urinalysis |
US | Ultrasound |
XRT | External Radiation Therapy |
- Medical Abbreviations List (
- A-Z List of Common Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms & Definitions (
- 25+ Hormone Abbreviations Table | KnowledgeDose
- Medical Abbreviations on Pharmacy Prescriptions –
- Medical Abbreviations | Taber’s Medical Dictionary (
- pdf (